Saturday, March 6, 2010

android bugs

Not sure which of these are specific to the moto droid implementation.

It needs a hardware key to select, copy, and paste text. Would be nice if it worked for other media too. The track button is a great start, but doesn't usually work as expected.

For some reason, the alt function of the delete key is to get rid of an entire line of typing. This shouldn't exist without being indicated on the key, and shouldn't apply with the alt-lock function (which should itself be described in some documentation somewhere).

Which naturally leads to the next one: there is no undo! Totally necessary for typing in the browser, would be useful anytime I suddenly look away from the device and have to pick up or hold onto anything.

Finally, why can't I send or receive any kind of files I want thru gmail?

And now for something completely different:
Someone needs to do some basic research on interacting with any sort of multiply interconnected sets, also known as tag clouds, lattice heiurarchies,or overlapping groups.

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