Saturday, February 20, 2010
1. Great opportunity for a comm project.

An article about the government's internal stuggles over the terror memos of the bush asdministration reminds me of my own worries and self-flagellation when I realize I've been stupidly pursuing a harmful goal. But more interesting is the use of the word "context", as some use it to refer to the state of mind the executive branch was in after the 9-11 attacks while it's clear that in some legal sense it should refer to the great experiment we've all been participating in since those guys wrote the constitution.
Much like the banking sector a few years later, the justice department appears to have lost sight of the bigger picture, probably because of high stress, little sleep, and that peculiar leadership style that gets people energized to work against their reigning paradigm rather than focusing on strengthening or building upon it. Perhaps that style can work well when the leader has a proper grasp on which level of abstraction of the reigning paradigm s/he wants to obliterate?

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