Tuesday, November 4, 2008

new president

Are we excited by Mr Obama's win? I'm glad he asked, "what will the world be like if our children live for another 100 years?" Because my colleagues and I now have good prospects for jobs as strategic planners.
But more importantly I'm wondering - why did I never watch Bush's speeches so closely, from the beginning to the end, hanging on every word? Why am I so pumped up and excited by Obama's (mostly) empty words and vague promises?
While I have to admit there was plenty he said to admire and that had a starkly different focus than the current president (i.e. it's gonna be hard, we're gonna fail before we win, there are other people in the world we need to think of), his mindset and point of view still don't really square with mine (I would have had him say, "this is a step in the right direction, but it's important to realize that this trip of humanity's into the future will never be over; there are no resting points, and no end goal; tomorrow's another working day and we'd better get some rest.") But the key point is that it makes me feel empowered and energized to hear him say all that, and I know that my work will a little freer and easier in the coming months (until we find out he's as corrupt as a politician) and I'll be a little more daring and outspoken since I feel like our society and our power-structure supports something resembling my point of view.

so the real question becomes, how can I separate this feeling of empowerment from some silly leader? How can I find it in rocks and trees so it won't be endangered by politics? How can I reassure myself that my dreams, ambitions, and goals aren't insane without explicitly having someone tell me so?

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