Tuesday, July 20, 2010

html customization

I've been dreaming of making an in-browser GUI-based html editor/creator, with the goal of making front-end web development as accessible as using InDesign or Illustrator (hopefully even more so!). I'm hoping to conduct some user research in the next couple weeks to answer a philosophical question that comes up at this point: is the interaction metaphor of the adobe creative suite (selecting tools from a toolbar, using them at the end of a mouse to adjust objects in the document window, pressing "w" to see the end-user view) more intuitive/natural than the HTML interaction model (typing into a text editor, along with CSS into a separate window, and switching to a whole different program (if not two or three!) to view the result)?
But in the meantime a more pressing question is: has someone already created this functionality?
I have a vague suspicion that HTML5 includes this functionality - in my opinion it should! (see my report on end-user programming: http://www.dqe1.com/files/End-UserProgramming6.pdf ) But from what I've seen it's only vaguely defined so far.

- "contenteditable", which refers to the kind of rich-text editing window I'm typing into now at blogger.com - is, today in 2010, fairly fully implemented and supported across browsers
- "designmode", which refers to what I've described (i imagine), does not exist.

describes in detail how to implement that/this text editor. Playing with the most advanced one I could find around (at okcupid.com), there's 0 drag-and-drop or other mouse-enabled editing, and while the buttons up top created only lists, line-breaks, and photos, typing in custom html rendered just fine in the box. But it didn't save to the server!


I've got some ideas for how to make this work and I'll detail them in the next couple weeks, but for now here's a few of the issues I'll need to clarify before the interaction can be specified:
1. which attributes will be editable?
- definitely size, position, color, and all the font-y details covered in a rich text editor
- to what extent does that require supporting complex/arbitrary and confusing/abstract concepts like float, margins vs padding, inline vs block, etc?
- javascript behaviors would be great, but that's probably more of a version 2.0 thing.
2. To what extent is it safe to let users create their own html?
- user generated html can be used to hack/exploit whomever downloads it later, if not also the server on which it's being saved
- I know this is probably why the example I tested above didn't save to their server.
- obviously there are limits but (one of these days when I get into javascript programming mode) I know there are ways to ensure that some useful functionality is available without compromising the host or eventual viewers
3. what's the use-case?
- basically, all my designer friends who have asked me "could you help me make a website?"
- everybody who's paying $100s for dreamweaver to use it as an html editor

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