Monday, March 24, 2008

Miranda July

I was completely freaked out the first time I heard a recording by Miranda July ten years ago, and promised myself I'd never subject myself to any of her work again - but since then it seems she's mellowed.

Check out this video where she demonstrates the industrial production process of making buttons:

After seeing this and falling in love with her, I went to her website and found out that she is way too accomplished and productive to pay attention to me. But that's good - it means I can analyze without fear of finding out I didn't do enough research and am completely wrong.

Beyond her excellent production values, notice that she presents within an altered reality, which she unabashedly creates with arbitrary ignorance of object permanence, the impersonality of the internet and the modern art world, and meaning. She envisions pretty clearly - though admittedly with some blank spaces - a world beyond logic: happy, loving, but without all the problems we inherit by believing in science and mathematics.

As long as I'm rapping on attractive California artists who will never know my name, let me mention Audrey Kawasaki, who makes paintings like Mucha but a little updated for the present.

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